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1. His chosen people are highly favored (Psalm 132:13).  We never cease to rejoice because each of us can be on Your preferred list, receive preferential treatment, and be given personal attention.

2. His chosen people dwell together in unity (133:1). Again we ask You to bless the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love, so our fellowship with each other will be sacred and cherished.

3.  His chosen people serve Him (134:1). Help us to find the place of maximum effectiveness, so we will have rewarding, satisfactory, and creative lives.

4. They are treasured by Him ( 135:4).  May we show a greater appreciation for our relationship with You. Grant that we may have a closer walk with You, daily.

5. His chosen people are a royal priesthood (135:19-20). May we make the most of our priestly function which gives us freedom of access to the throne of grace and gives us the opportunity to take everything to God in prayer.

6.  They are recipients of His mercy which endures forever (136:1).  We are overwhelmed by Your mercy. We feel perfectly at home in Your presence because Your are so patient, understanding, and gracious.

7. His chosen people have something worth remembering in time of adversity (137:1,5).  May we have such maturity that we can say: "Whether the Lord blesses me again or not, He has done enough in the past that I'll serve Him faithfully in the future".