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Scan 133620001sf. VasileGOD AND YOUR WORK.

 God is a worker. This alone gives us a clue that work itself must be significant, that it must have intrinsic value. For, by definition, God can do nothing that is not inherently good, or else He would violate His own nature and character. The fact that God calls what He does "work" and calls that work "good" means that work has intrinsic worth.

Most of us are already familiar with the profound and often misunderstood truth that man was created in the image of his divine Creator. But since God himself is a worker, we would expect man, who is created in God's image, to be a worker, too...  In fact, Ecclesiastes 3:13 calls this work a gift of God:"That everyone may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all his toil - this is the gift of God".

These and other passages of Scripture lend awesome dignity to your work. As a human created in God's imange, you are inherently significant and when you work you are doing something that is very Godlike. It is not only God's work that is significant; human work is significant, too. It is something ordained by God.The fact that you work is, in the words of Genesis 1, "very good". Intrinsically good. Valued by God. ( Doug Sherman).



 Saint Basil knew the message Jesus left us to care and concern for one another, to work to correct the wrongs and injustice done to others, to change the structures responsible. He was not deaf to the cries of the poor. The hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and the prisoner were identified by Basil with Jesus. This idea was of vital importance for the Church. What is done to the poor is done to Jesus. Saint Basil was Great at work for poor, a great champion of Orthodoxy, a great torch of moral purity and zeal for the Faith, a great builder and pillar of the Church and a great theological mind.