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slabanogulJESUS HEALS A PARALYZED MAN: “Son, your sins are forgiven” ( Mark 2,1)

The paralytic’s need moved his friends to action, and they brought him to Jesus. When you recognize someone’s need, do you act? Many people have physical and  spiritual needs you can meet, either by yourself or with others who are also concerned. Human need moved these four men; let it also move you to compassionate action!

THE SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION.  In order to receive God’s forgiveness through this sacrament of CONFESSION, the priest complete 4 steps:

(1) Confession. It is necessary for the person to tell the priest his sins; this is done privately and the priest is never allowed to refer to those sins, to anyone. This  absolute confidentiality allows the person to confess without  worrying that they will be revealed.

(2) Contrition or sorrow – the person tells the priest that he is truly sorry for having committed these sins and will make every effort not to repeat them . If a person is not sorry there is no point in seeking forgiveness.

(3) Penance – the priest asks the person to perform some spiritual or charitable work. The purpose of  penance is to begin the work of change

(4) Absolution – the priest prays a specific prayer over the person, about God’s loving work through Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit the sole of the person is released from the burden of  sin.