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samariteancaThe Samaritan woman and Jesus at the well - Catacomb of Via Latina, Rome. The Samaritan woman was called Fotinia and is remembered on 26 of February.

The Messianic hope of the Samaritan woman ( John 4) was founded, not on the Prophets (whom the Samaritans rejected) but on such passages as Genesis 49,10; Numbers 24,17; Deuteronomy 18,15. We can regard her as part of Magi group who came from east. The pure Jews hated this mixed race called Samaritans. THE SAMARITAN WOMAN WAS THE OUTCAST OF THE NATION. Jesus spoke to her simple  and wonderful words: "I who speak to you am the Messiah"!  His birth had been first revealed by night to a few unknown and humble  shepherds; the first full, clear announcement by Himself of His own Messiahship was made by a well-side in a weary noon to a single obscure Samaritan woman. And to this poor, sinful, ignorant stranger had been uttered words of immortal significance, to which all future ages would listen, as it were, with hushed breath and on their  knees. (Dean Farrar, The Life of Christ, London, 1896, p .152)

"The sower and the reaper may be glad together"(John 4,37). Jesus addressed his disciples:  -Look at the fields,white already for the spiritual harvest. You should be joyful reapers of the harvest  which this woman had sown in toil and pain. What a lesson : "I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefit of their labor"...  The work in the Church is continuous; let's remember the  others who did the hard work before us !