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Scan 142530001-18 Guido JESUS ON THE CROSS, by Guido Rocha.

 The South American sculptor Guido Rocha was a political prisoner in both Brazil and Chile. In this image of Jesus on the cross he has attempted to use his own experiences to create a sculpture of suffering of his people in South America in the face of Jesus.

THE CHRISTIAN SYMBOL.  The cross, representing the death of Jesus, is the central symbol of Christianity. But why is the cross so important? Why do Christians choose to remember Jesus with such a terrible symbol?

One reason is that the cross shows what God is like - He is a suffering God. He understands human suffering from the inside. For those who are themselves suffering, this can be a lifetime, helping them to find purpose in suffering.  He suffered as a person. That makes you feel better... 'cos you know that He's been tempted. He knows what the friction in life is, and the ups and the downs, and to be deserted and lonely. He must have been lonely milions of time.

SUMMARY:  The cross shows that God understands what it is to suffer. Christians believe that 'For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered death and was buried' (The creed).