Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh

fiulThe younger son’s share of the estate would have been one-third, with the older son receiving two- thirds (Deuteronomy 21,17). In most cases he would received this at his father’s death, although fathers sometimes chose to divide up their inheritance early and retire from managing the estate. What is unusual here is that the younger one initiated the division of the estate; this showed arrogant disregard for his father’s authority as head of the family.

According to Moses’ law, pigs were unclean animals (Leviticus 11,2), they could not be eaten or used for sacrifices – Jews would not even touch pigs. For a Jew to stoop to feeding pigs was a great humiliation, and for this young man to eat foot that the pigs has touched was to be degraded beyond belief – the younger son had truly sunk to the depths.

The younger son, like many who are rebellious and immature, wanted to be free to live as he pleased, and he had to hit bottom before he came to his senses. It often takes great sorrow and tragedy to cause people to look to the ONE who can help them…

FIUL INTORS: Nu dupa inelul de aur si sanda, picioarele zdrentuite se-ntorcea fiul risipitor acasa;/ Nu la ospatul vitelului junghiat, in straiul de nunta in locul de frunte la masa/ Nu rasplata cu daruri cauta ce-a ucis in el pustietatea si lepadarea/ Ci in fata parintelui in genunchi sa-si poata varsa inima cersindu-si iertarea/ Nu saracia-i in carnea lui cearca sulitele/ Nu mai suporta intre porci/ Cosmosul incepe sa puta/ Intre slugi se vrea slujitor, intre cei mai de jos argati nebagatii in seama/ Sa puna hamuri pe cai si clopote pe boi/ Si in coarne cite-un colac cu naframa,/ Sa-nchida portile staulele oilor cu spatele sale/ Sa le stramute cit tine anul de la munte la vale/ Mai ales de veghe noaptea cind sint oitele gata sa fete/ Lampasul aprins sa dea mina de-ajutor pe-ndelete/ Sa se-nfrupte din ce cade de la masa stapinilor/ Asta-l mina-ntr-acolo acasa, asta-i mistuie ranile miinilor. (Ioan Alexandru, Imnele Maramuresului,1988)

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