Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh


1. The word enables us to avoid being ashamed or apologetic (Psalm 119:6).  We know that You never command anything that is impossible for us to fulfill. May we develop our capacities at the maximum level by keeping Your commandments.

2. It is a source of cleansing (119:9).  May  we never live below our privileges, but make the most of what Your word makes possible for us to enjoy.

3. It enables us to overcome temptation (119:11).  May we hide something from Your word in our hearts each day, and teach us the proper use of Your word so we can successfully resist the devil.

4. It is a source of wondrous things (119:18).  May we live according to Your laws in such an exciting and enthusiastic way that we can adorn Your doctrines and make them attractive to others.

5. The word is a source of refreshment and strength (119:25,28).  You have a word what fits every situation. May we draw on that Word today for refreshment and strength, for guidance and illumination.

6.  The word provides freedom (119:45).  May we exercise our freedom to pursue the course in life that brings us to the maximum of effectiveness and peak of efficiency.

7. The word provides comfort (119:50).  May we live in the miracle margin of life by receiving from You the comfort that keeps us on top of every affliction that comes our way.

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