Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh

Rembrandt -Fuga thumb thumb BEJENIA. 

N-auzi pe vale scîrtîit de carā?
Nu vezi în vale peste sate fumul?
Intrarā, bade, Turcii în tarā,
La munte fug rumânii cu duiumul.

Pîrjol si foc aduc cu ei pāgînii,
Omoarā mamele si taie pruncii...

Dar la rāscruci, de lasi poteca luncii
Si-o iei pieptis drept la poiana stînii,

Sub norul care piere ca o plutā,
Prin fagii ce-si opresc aci hotarul,
La sipotul cu apā ne-nceputā
Au poposit. - Despriponit, māgarul,

Blegind urechea blîndā, se apleacā
Spre Maica alāptîndu-si Pruncul Sfînt -
Dar, necājit, cu gîndul la pāmînt,
Iosif întinde māmāliga seacā.

Ce greu, ce lung e drumul de bejenie!
Vrea Domnul sā ne mîntuie aleanul:
Le-a hotārît ca o blagoslovenie
Nu tara din Eghipet ci Ardealul (Ion Pilat ).


While I decided which cereal to have for breakfast, you were searching the ground for a few grains of wheat.
While I was out exercising, you were sweating under the sun working in the wealthy landowner's plantatio.
While I was deciding wheather to drink normal or diet coke, you were thirsty for fresh water.
While I complained about waiting for hours in the hospital emergency ward, you despaired of ever reaching a hospital or doctor.
While I poured environment-friendly washing powder into the washing machine, you stood in the river banging clothes against a rock.
While I watched the news on a widescreen LCD, you were running for cover from bullets and teror.
While I suffered crowds on buses and trains, you were walking kilometres to get to a crowded school room.
While I eagerly searched the papers for the latest sales, you put back on the only set of chothes you've been wearing for months.
While I spread out in a two storey mansion for four, you were sharing one room with a family of ten.

Creator God,
Open my mind and heart to know how my brothers and sisters live around the world.
Help me to be more generous with my time and things to help those who struggle each day,
Forgive my greed of always wanting newer, bigger and better things,
Forgive me for not doing my part to change the way the world is that keeps people suffering and poor.
I promise you to become more aware of their situation and to change my lifestyle in order to change our world.
We ask You, Jesus, our brother, to help in all that we must do. Amen

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