Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh



Jesus calles the Holy Spirit "the Advocate" (John 16:7), the one who defends us from sin. The Holy Spirit also guides us into all Truth, helping us to grasp the meaning of Jesus' words, actions, and miracles.  As we live out our faith, it is the Spirit that animates us as disciples, empowering us to see our unique gifts to make a difference in our world.

Christian spirituality emphasizes the Spirit's gifts of love, freedom, truth, life, and hope.

LOVE lets us find joy in the midst of suffering and pain. Christ did not end human suffering; instead, He showed how suffering for those we love can bring new life to them;

FREEDOM from material goods, false gratification, and addictions nurtures the lifestyle we adopt as disciples of Jesus.

TRUTH about God, us, and history can be achieved only through God's Revelation. The Spirit gives us the light to discover this truth and the strength to direct our lives by it.

GOD'S LIFE in us helps us to overcome prejudices, promote reconciliation, foster unity in diversity, and work for justice and peace.

HOPE in being forever with God and the people we love is continuously nourished by the Spirit, who gives us a glimpse of the glory to come despite our earthly limitations. (Rev William Becker).


29 mai 1453, marti, a treia zi dupa Rusalii, turcii condusi de sultanul Mehmet al II-lea au cucerit Constantinopolul.

Scan 141250001 sf Sofia  Biserica "Sf. Sofia" a fost trasformata in moscheie in 1453. Basilica a fost declarata muzeu in 1934 de catre Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, fondatorul Turciei moderne .

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